Sunday, October 14, 2007


I was on the set of a commercial shoot today and I began talking to my fictional female companion. We had some time to kill while the crew was setting up the camera. We started talking Hollywood gossip and the issue of facelift/botox came up. She not only knew all about who had work done in Hollywood, but also spoke about botox as if she were an expert. After a bit of denial, she confessed that she's been getting botox, filler and some other treatments for six years. I have to say, her doctor did a good job. Her face wasn't so obviously fixed like the faces of some other aging actresses with OCD. By the end of the shoot, she convinced another actress on the set to try out her doctor. Hollywood: We are creating a wrinkle-free society one injection at a time. I am starting to love this town for what it is.

1 comment:

osc said...

botox, some liposuction, tooth veneers... whats not to love about LA?